About Us

Keala Farm is a 24-acre property located on the northeast shore of Kauai. Established in 2019, we are an off-grid farm that embraces organic growing principles and has been cultivating tropical fruit and fruit trees for sale to our North Shore community. The farm is owned by Steve and Carol Orr (right), and this land has been in their family for 3+ generations. The land that is known today as Keala Farm was a gift directly from King Kamehameha III and Queen Kaahumanu to Mary Lucas’s family. The Lucas family is an old kama’aina family whose ancestors arrived in Hawai’i in the early 1800s from Scotland and became one of the first and closest advisors to Kamehameha III.

At Keala we take a sustainable, regenerative, and holistic approach to farm and land management by creating a diverse tropical fruit forest with hundreds of edible fruit trees in our orchards. We also keep bees and are constantly creating pollinator havens in our growing flower fields across the 24 acres. Our entire operation is powered by the sun via our 10kW solar array, which coupled with our private well as our water source enables us to work fully off the grid. We aim to be sustainable stewards of the land, share the beauty and bounty of Keala with our guests, and bolster the resiliency of our local island food network.

Mahalo nui loa for your interest and we hope to hear from you soon!

Meet The Team

  • Graham Pickett

    General Manager

    Graham has a background in environmental sustainability, edible food systems, and land management; using these skills to grow food and connect with the local community. Graham manages the farm team, fruit and tree sales, and growing our business.

  • Tyler Shields

    Operations Manager

    Tyler manages all this operations and maintenance here at Keala, and he brings a wealth of experience from mechanical skills, to a deep knowledge of plants, and years of farming experience. And his sidekick Nipsy brings constant smiles to anyone willing to give her a belly rub.

  • Jeremy Henshaw

    Field Manager

    With a deep background in tree management, Jeremy has brought his skills here to management our orchard in an efficient manner. His hard work and attention to detail has been key to the health and well being of our trees.

  • Mary-Clare Bosco

    Project Manager

    Mary-Clare manages special projects at Keala and has a professional background in climate tech product management, environmental consulting, and technical project management. She is solutions oriented and passionate about sustainability and farming!

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